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    Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Accommodation Webinar Series - Part Five: Sensory

    Date: November 17, 2022, 10:00am – 11:00am
    Ohio Department of Disabilities Services (ODD)
    Part Five: Sensory Disabilities
    Virtual Webinar
    Event Type:
    3rd Party Virtual Event
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    OOD is pleased to host a six-part webinar series – The Employers’ Reasonable Accommodation Handbook.  These are webinars to help HR professionals and business leaders understand best practices for navigating reasonable accommodations for different disability groups to foster a more disability-inclusive workplace with effective reasonable accommodations.

    The fifth session in the series will focus on "Sensory Disabillities."  In this session you will learn best practices for navigating the interactive process with employees who have sensory disabilities, ways to foster a disability-inclusive workplace, and ideas for providing effective reasonable accommodations.

    This webinar will be hosted by OOD's Worksite Accessibility Specialist, Julie Wood OTR/L, ADAC and Career Development Specialist, Dustin Schwab.

    Delivery Method and How to Register

    Each webinar will take place as a Microsoft Teams Live Event.  There is no cost for the webinar,  but you are asked to register in advance to the sponsor can  make sure they are sharing any updates, attachments, and resources before and after the event.

    To register for this event click this link: Register Here!.   You can also register for all the remaining events at the same time if you are interested, thourgh this link

    Link to Attend the Webinar

    To attend the training, you do not need to have Microsoft Teams but can participate through this link: TBD

    Each webinar in this series has been approved for 1.00 HR re-certification credit hour for both the SHRM and HRIC certifications.