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February 1st PCHRA Workforce Development Learning Series: AI and the Workforce: A Future of Collaboration

    Thank you for your interest in participating in this month's session.  Although there is no cost to attend this meeting, participates must register to be included.

    To begin your registration, complete the top of the form below with your contact information and membership status. Feel free to ask a question our speaker(s) can address. Also, let us know if you will be attending in person or virtually.  When you are done filling in the form, don't forget about the CAPTCHA, select submit. 

    Please note: Due to occupancy limitation, if you are registering to attend in person, you must do so prior to 5:00 PM on Friday, January 26th. 

    For those electing the Virtual Option:

    A google calendar invitation with the session link will be sent from our PCHRA Gmail account after registration. This will appear with the gmail address <>. Please monitor your email as it may get redirected to trash, depending on your email system settings.

    This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.